The high polish finish is often a standard finish, the reasoning is, is that this finish can be done a few different ways. A high polish finish can be used using a tumbling machine, be done by hand, or be done by a polishing wheel. A quick way to finish, and this is why it’s often a standard in so many components is that you are able to tumble these piece and in a few short A standard in jewellery components, they have often been tumbled to achieve this finish. You can use a rotary tumbler to polish jewelry and to remove burrs from jump rings or other metal components.
Materials List
- Small rotary tumbler and barrel.
- Soap (not detergent). Ivory soap flakes are recommended.
- Polished steel shot. You want enough to fill the barrel about halfway.
- Pour the shot into a clean barrel to about the halfway mark.
- Add enough water to cover the shot plus about 3/4 inch.
- Add a tablespoon of soap flakes.
- Load the jewelry and/or components into the barrel. You want them to be able to tumble, so pack them loosely.
- Seal the barrel and let the tumbler rotate for 6-8 hours.
- When the pieces are sufficiently polished, remove them from the tumbler and rinse them well with water.
Helpful Tips*
When deciding on what finish to use, there's no need to only use just one. Be sure to mix up the finishes. Placing a high polish finish next to a brushed finish or even a satin finish can have a very beautiful effect and create a stunning and dynamic one of a kind piece.
*Credit to About.com for information about tumbling jewellery
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